Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

1. Introduction


1.1 The headings of the sections in these regulations are intended for convenience purposes only, and shall not be used to interpret these regulations and/or any of its sections and/or for any other purpose.
1.2 It is hereby clarified that what is stated in these regulations is written in the masculine language for reasons of convenience only, and everything stated in it is intended for both women and men.
  1. Settings
In these regulations, the terms below will have the meaning as defined next to them, as follows:
2.1"The Company" -Peteat Ltd. h.P 516897675.
2.2 "The website" - the website - www.peteat.co.il
2.4"The items" - food products, toys, care products and accessories for animals that appear on the website and are offered for sale to the final consumer.
2.5"The user" - any person, including a corporation, who may perform operations through the site, all subject to the fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions in aggregate:
2.51Competence to perform legal actions - the user is competent to perform binding legal actions; A user who is a minor (under the age of 18) and/or is not entitled to perform legal actions without the permission of a guardian, is required to inform his parents and/or legal guardians (hereinafter: "the guardians") regarding the provisions of these regulations and obtain their permission to perform any activity, of any kind which is, within the site. The responsibility of informing the minors who wish to surf the website about the regulations, as well as the supervision of the activities of the minors, so that the minors act according to the terms of these regulations, applies to the guardians only. Any activity carried out by the minors on the site
constitutes the consent of the minors and/or guardians to what is stated in the terms of the regulations. The user has a valid Israeli credit card. The user has an active e-mail box on the Internet.
2.6 "Inventory delivery date" - the date on which the inventory, ordered by the user, was delivered to the destination requested by the user.
2.7 "Date of placing the order" - the date on which the transaction was approved by the credit company, the details of which were entered on the website by the orderer and/or the date on which an order was placed through the website and it was determined that the payment
will be made by way of cash The shipping company in accordance with the company's terms and conditions and these regulations.
2.8 "Business days" - Sunday-Thursday in every calendar week, excluding Fridays, Saturdays, holiday eves, holidays and public holidays.
  1. general
3.1 The website is a website on the Internet, which is operated by the company and is a virtual store for the purchase of products and services by the public surfing the Internet.
3.2 The provisions of this regulation will apply to any action performed by a "user" on the website, as defined above.
3.3 These regulations constitute a binding contractual agreement between the user and the company, for all intents and purposes. The user of the website is considered as someone who has read the regulations, accepted what is stated in it and agreed
to what is stated in it. A user who does not agree to the terms of this regulation, in whole or in part, is asked not to
use the site. A person performing an action on the site declares that he is aware of the provisions of the site's regulations and fully accepts them, and that he and/or anyone on his behalf will not have any claim and/or claim against the company and/or the site and/or the site's management and/or anyone on their behalf, except claims related to the violation t1>
Obligations of the company and/or the management of the site and/or in accordance with these regulations and rules of participation.
3.4 The provisions of this regulation also apply to browsing/using the website using any computer and/or other communication device (cell phones, laptops, etc.).
3.5 The regulations and terms of use of the website are subject to change at any time in accordance with the sole discretion of the company. A change in the provisions of this regulation will require the updated version of the regulation from the date of its publication on the website.
  1. Website usage
4.1 Below is the range of services and/or content and/or actions offered on the site:
Browsing and browsing various contents.Purchase of products and/or services. Creating a "favorite list" - a list of items selected by the user. Sharing and sending items from the website from the user to his friends and acquaintances via
email and/or sharing via social networks. Providing feedback and/or responses to items and/or content on the website, which will be published on the website and/or
on the company's Instagram page. It is clarified that the company may limit, in accordance with its sole and absolute discretion, the publication of the feedback.
Tagging an item to be chosen by the user through social networks.
Subscribing to mailings - receiving content, marketing and advertising information in various media according to the user's choice.
4.2 The company does not undertake to provide all of the aforementioned content and/or services, all or some of them, on an ongoing basis on the website and it has the sole discretion to change the list of content and/or services provided on the website, to change the structure of the website, its appearance, design, scope and availability
of the contents and/or services within it as well as any other aspect involved in the website, and this without the need
to notify the users, who will not have any claim and/or demand and/or claim against the company For making such changes and/or malfunctions that will occur during their implementation.
Also, the company may remove the site from the Internet and/or block access to it, in whole or in part. Such downloading and/or blocking may be accompanied by the deletion of all the information stored therein.
4.3 The company may disqualify and/or refrain from publishing on the website and/or on the company's Instagram page any response and/or feedback and/or image and/or content (hereinafter: "the content"), which may damage the name of
the company and/or public sentiments and/or is of a blatant or offensive nature in a sexual or other way and/or For any other reason,
in accordance with the sole and full discretion of the company.
4.4 The company shall be entitled, in accordance with its sole and absolute discretion, to remove and/or change any content of the users of the website as well as prevent any of the website users from registering (whatever is required) and/or using the services provided within it, all or in part.
4.5 Without detracting from the generality of the above, the users of the website undertake not to publish and/or upload to the website and/or operate on the website and/or display through the website any information and/or computer programming and/or words and/or contents that amount to defamation and/or inaccurate and/or offensive
and/or false and/or falsified and/or immodest and/or offensive to religious sanctuaries and/or of character
sexual and /or threatening and/or racist and/or illegal and/or harmful and/or containing any advertisement other than the company's and/or concerning minors and/or containing the identification of minors and/or making contact with minors and/or Any other information that violates or damages the rights of any third party (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights or the right to privacy;
hereinafter also: "offensive information").
4.6 The user of the services offered on the website hereby declares and confirms that he gives the company the full and exclusive right to use the contents and confirms and undertakes that the company will be entitled
to use his name and/or image as part of any publication and/or presentation of the content on the website and/ or on the
instagram page, at any time and without any compensation whatsoever.
4.7 The user undertakes not to act in a way that may damage the company's reputation and/or damage its good name.
4.8 The user declares that he will not use the website and/or its contents for commercial and/or other purposes, without the prior written approval of the company.
4.9 The user undertakes not to copy and/or scan and/or create a database of the site's contents, as well as not to use and/or allow others to use, in any way, the contents displayed on the site.
4.10. A link must not be created between the site and any site that contains pornographic content, content that encourages racism or improper discrimination, content that is against the law, content that is published against the law or content that encourages activity that is against the law.
4.11. Do not link to pages on the site that are not the home page of the site ("deep link"). When contacting the site, it must be ensured that the exact address of the site's home page appears in the usual place
designated for this in the user's browsing interface. Do not change, distort or hide this address,
and do not replace it with any other address.
4.12. The company may order the user to cancel and/or cancel any link to the website by itself, in accordance with its sole discretion, without the user making any claim and/or demand and/or claim against the company in this regard.
4.13. Do not enable/allow the activation of any other middleware computer application, including programs of the type Crawlers, Robots, etc., for the purpose of searching, scanning, copying or automatically retrieving
the contents of the site (all or some of them). In this rule, you may not create and do not use the aforementioned means for
creating a compilation, a collection or a database that will contain the contents of the site (all or part of them).
Do not present the site and/or its contents and/or the services provided within it on another network site (whether within a frame ("Frame") or in any other way), visible or hidden.
The site and/or its contents and/or the services provided within it must not be presented in any way whatsoever - including through any software, device, accessory or communication protocol - that changes the design of the site and/or content The site and/or the services provided within the site and/or
remove anything from them (including advertisements and commercial content).
  1. Intellectual Property
5.1 All copyrights and intellectual property on the site, including trademarks, patents, models, methods and trade secrets, in the services provided as part of it and in the contents of the site belong to the company only
and are its sole property. These rights apply, among other things, to the databases on the website (including the list of items, their description, design and images) as well as to the graphic design of the website, the computer code of the website and everything related to its operation as well as any other information published by the company
and/or on its behalf (hereinafter: "the protected rights").
5.2 You may not copy, reproduce, modify, publish, market, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, broadcast, transmit to the public or make available, adapt, create or process derivative works, sell
or lease the protected rights and/or to translate any information from the site (including trademarks, images, texts, design, etc.) all or in part, either by the user or through and/or in collaboration with a third party, in any way or means - whether electronic, computerized,
Mechanical, optical, photographic or recording means, or in any other way - without obtaining the prior written consent of the company and subject to the terms of such consent, as far as it is given.
5.3 The trademarks (whether registered or not), the company name, the logo, the company's advertisements, the domain name, icons, any information and/or display appearing on the website, including graphics, design, verbal presentation, their editing and presentation - all constitute They are also the rights protected above and are the property of the company only, and may not be used without its prior written consent.
5.4 In fact, the uploading and/or publication and/or delivery of user content on the website constitutes confirmation that all rights in the aforementioned content are owned by the user who uploaded/published/delivered them. To the extent that a user is not the creator and/or the owner of the rights in the content that he uploaded/published/delivered
to the website, then uploading/publishing/delivering the content to the website constitutes a confirmation on his part, that he
Holds lawful permission - from the owner of the rights in the above-mentioned content - to make any use of it and grant any right to it (everywhere in these regulations where uploading/publishing/delivering user content to the site is indicated, this also means, among other things, sending content via message/message email through/through the website to the company). It is clarified that, in this case, the company will not bear any responsibility for damages caused (if caused) as a result of a violation of rights as a result of publishing/uploading/delivering user content, and the user who uploaded/published/delivered the said content
will indemnify the company for Any expenses she will incur for them.
5.5 By actually uploading/publishing/delivering user content on the site, the user grants the company a license - free, worldwide and unlimited in time, to copy, reproduce, distribute, market, make available to the public, perform publicly, broadcast, publish, process, edit, translate and use in any other way in the aforementioned user content, as well as to grant sub-licenses regarding all of the operations listed above, through these regulations or in any other way, in exchange or not, at its sole discretion
both within the site and in any media that it displays to be true
5.6 The company will be entitled to use in any way whatsoever, including by way of commercial exploitation and/or for the creation of rights, including patents, trade secrets, trademarks, models and rights
creators, ideas, criticisms or other expressions in the user's content, whether published or not, and will be entitled to allow such use to others, without providing any consideration (including, providing credit, royalties or other benefits).
5.7 Without deviating from the above, the company will be entitled, in accordance with its sole discretion, to award prizes and/or to grant benefits to users of the website, who have uploaded content as mentioned, and this without it being to impose any charge or responsibility on it.
5.8 Concerns and/or suspicions of copyright infringement (and/or other rights) on the website must be brought up to the company immediately in writing. Steps that will be taken by the company, and to the extent that they are taken, relying on such information that will be transferred to it, will not constitute proof of a violation of any right.
6.Warranty and Indemnity
6.1 The use of the website is done at the user's full responsibility.
6.2 The user of the website will not have any claim and/or claim and/or demand against the company in connection with the website, the services provided within it or its contents. Without detracting from the generality of the aforementioned, the company will not bear any responsibility for the content of the users, including their use by third parties (if any).
6.3 The company does not guarantee that the contents of the site (including the contents of the users) will be complete, correct, legal, accurate or meet the expectations and/or requirements of the users.
6.4 The company will not bear any responsibility for the website's contents and/or use of them and/or reliance on them, and calls on users to verify the accuracy and truthfulness of all information published
on the website before making any use of it. It is clarified, for the avoidance of doubt, that the contents of the site are not a
substitute for professional advice and/or treatment where they are required.
6.5 The company does not undertake to maintain the availability of the site and/or the availability of the site's contents and/or the site's services. It is clarified that the website, its contents and the services provided within it are not immune from
unauthorized access to the company's computers or from damages, breakdowns, malfunctions or failures -
either in hardware, In the software, either in communication lines and systems, either with the company or with
the management of the site - and it will not be in these to impose any responsibility on the company and/or establish a right for any of the users.
6.6 The user of the website undertakes to indemnify the company, its employees, managers and/or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss-profit, payment or expense incurred by them - including attorney's fees and court costs - due to a violation of these regulations. In addition, the user shall indemnify and/or indemnify the company,
its employees, managers and/or anyone on its behalf for any claim, claim or demand raised against them
by a party Any third party as a result of user content that he uploaded and/or delivered and/or published on the website, or as a result of any use he made of the website's services.
  1. Purchase items on the site
7.1 Purchasing items on the website will be done by filling out an order form - the user will select the item and/or service, color and size requested, when for each item and/or service offered on the website, an "item page" will be displayed in which details will appear The item or service offered and its price (hereinafter: "page
the item"). The company may update the item page from time to time, add or omit details,
remove out of stock products, add colors and/or sizes as well as update and/or change the price of the item from time to time. It is clarified that the images on the website are for illustration only, there may be changes between the images (including the colors appearing in the images and the details of the items) and between the actual items, which result, among other things, from the fact that the items are photographed and displayed on a computer screen. The prices displayed on the website include VAT at the legal rate, unless
is expressly stated otherwise.
7.2 As an integral part of the purchase process, the user will be asked to choose a password, as well as to type in basic details such as name, address, e-mail address, phone number and credit card number, with the exception of prepaid cards (including, but not limited to, credit cards loaded by mail
Israel). Care must be taken to provide the correct and accurate details in order to ensure
the execution of the order (hereinafter: "the execution of the order"). Knowingly providing false information may amount to a criminal offense. Civil and criminal legal measures may be taken against those who submit false information, including claims for damages for damages caused to the company due to the disruption of the operation of the site. Also, the information provided by the user on the website will be used, among other things, for sending e-mail regarding special promotions or updates on the website, only after receiving the user's permission for this. When the order is placed, the company will check the credit card details and upon receipt of the order confirmation by the credit card companies, the user will be notified that the order has been approved. It is clarified that the operator of the operation will be charged for the cost of the item or service purchased by him, using the credit card immediately upon completion of the order. The product(s) and/or service(s) that will be purchased through the website (that is, an order has been placed by
the user and this has been confirmed) will be referred to below as: "the items".
7.3Conditions for completing the purchase transaction - The purchase transaction will be performed only after the completion of the order process and after the company receives approval from the credit card company for the execution of the charge,
in accordance with the existing working procedures between them and the company. In the event that the transaction was not approved by the credit company - the customer will receive an appropriate notification. Also, the purchase transaction may be carried out
also by way of cash and in this case the transaction will be completed after making the payment to the company at the company store or by the shipping company.
Completion of the purchase transaction is conditional on the requested items being in stock at the time of completion of the order procedure. In the case of an item that is out of stock and/or there is a problem with its delivery, for any reason, the company may notify the user of the cancellation of the order. Said notice will be delivered to the user via e-mail and/or a telephone message and/or a text message on the mobile phone, according to the company's discretion. In the aforementioned case, the user will not have any claim against the company and by actually placing the order, the user waives any such claim.
The company reserves the right to limit the amount of items and/or the amount of the order, in each order, in accordance with its sole discretion.
7.4 The order will be registered on the company's computers and it will be possible to track its handling on the "My Account" link on the website. Also, a confirmation will be sent by e-mail about the execution of the operation within 48 hours
of the completion of the purchase transaction by the user on the website. It will be clarified and emphasized that sending an electronic mail
regarding the registration of the order in the company's computer system does not constitute evidence regarding the completion of the operation and the sending of the email does not oblige the company.
It is clarified that the records of the company's computer system, which include a computerized and automatic record of all actions on the site, constitute prima facie evidence of what is stated therein.
  1. Product delivery
The user may choose to have the ordered items delivered directly to his home and/or to another destination, according to his choice - via a courier directly to the user's home, according to his choice, through the website.
8.1Delivery to the user's home and/or to a collection point of the user's choice - the company will deliver the items to the user or to a permanent collection point listed on the website according to the user's choice through an independent shipping company in accordance with its sole discretion (hereinafter: "Company
shipping”). The delivery of the items by the shipping company will be done up to 5 business days from the date of placing the order on the website according to the shipping area. The company is not responsible for any act and/or omission of the shipping company, including delays in delivery. It will not be possible to deliver items outside of Israel. It will not be possible to deliver items on Fridays/Saturdays/holiday evenings, holidays and public holidays. The company is not obligated to deliver the items to areas that are restricted to access from a security point of view. The delivery to the user's home and/or to another address according to his choice will be limited to the delivery company's area of ​​operation, nationwide, between the hours of 08:00 and 20:00 every day, except on Fridays/Saturdays/holiday eves, holidays and public holidays. If it is not possible to deliver the items to the address entered by the user, the items will be delivered via delivery to the collection point closest to the address entered by the user and after telephone coordination with the company representative. Delivery of items to the user's home involves payment of delivery fees as detailed on the website (hereinafter: "delivery fees"), which will be added to the price of the items indicated on the website and will be charged for delivery to one destination only, regardless of the scope of the order (regarding #
the items).
It is clarified that the delivery times listed above are approximate times and that there may be changes in the delivery times due to delays, which depend on party C and are not dependent on the company. The user confirms that he knows that he can and the delivery of the items will be made within a shorter or longer time than the estimated time and also confirms that he knows that the company will not be responsible for the delay in the delivery of the items.
"Delivery fee" - the delivery of the items to the user's home and/or to the address of his choice, through a shipping company, will involve a payment of 30 NIS for carrying out an order of up to 199 NIS.With a purchase over NIS 199, the user will not be required to pay shipping fees as mentioned. Making an order that is paid through Cash payment to the courier (Goveina) Can be made
Starting at an amount of 500 NIS per order and will involve a payment of 50 NIS for shipping fees .
8.3 It is clarified that the delivery times listed above are approximate times and that there may be changes in the delivery times due to delays, which depend on the third party and are not dependent on the company. The user
confirms that he knows that he can and the delivery of the items will be made within a shorter or longer time than the estimated time and also confirms that he knows that the company will not be responsible for the delay in the delivery of the items, among others, in the following cases - force majeure", and without prejudice to the generality of the aforementioned,
war, hostilities, emergency situations and natural disasters and/or strike and/or shutdown at the suppliers of the goods necessary for the production and/or transportation of the products as well as for any other reason, which is not under the control of the company. With regard to the delivery of items to areas restricted from a security point of view, the company will be entitled to provide the items to the user in a nearby and acceptable place and this in advance coordination with the user. It is clarified that the company does not commit to a delivery time, as defined above, when the items (all or some of them) are out of stock - in which case the company will notify the user, who will be entitled to cancel the order, all in accordance with the details entered by the user on the company's website. The company will not be responsible for any delay in the delivery of the items to the user and/or failure to deliver them, caused by incorrect and/or inaccurate and/or incomplete information provided by the user.
8.4 It is clarified that the delivery of the items (at the company store and/or at any other destination according to the user's request) can and is conditional upon the presentation of the user's ID card as well as the presentation of the order confirmation number,
as received from the order system for the execution of the transaction, according to The company's sole and absolute discretion. It is agreed that the company and/or anyone on its behalf shall be entitled to require any additional means of identification, at its discretion, as a condition for the delivery of the items to the user.
  1. Cancellation of a purchase transaction by the user
The user may cancel the transaction he made on the website in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, 1981 (hereafter: "Consumer Protection Law") and receive a refund for it or alternatively exchange the product for an equivalent alternative product or receive a monetary credit, all as detailed below:
9.1Cancellation of the transaction after receiving the items by the user - the user will be entitled to cancel the purchase transaction within 14 business days from the date of receipt of the items, provided that the items are in good condition and have not been used in any way. The cancellation of the transaction will be carried out by returning the items to the company's store independently and/or by the shipping company, provided that the items are in good condition and have not been used in any way.
Cancellation of the transaction can be done in accordance with the company's returns and exchanges policy detailed on the website and subject to the following conditions:
The return of the item to the company's store by the shipping company along with a tax invoice, provided that no Any use of the item and the item labels and/or accessories attached to the item have not been removed).

Replacing the item with another product or returning it against receiving a credit (credit voucher issued by the company) - will be done at the user's home by the shipping company in accordance with the company's exchange and return policy, as updated from time to time, and this Within 14 business days from the date of receipt of the product by the user
and provided that the product is not used in any way.
Returning the item and receiving a refund - will be done by crediting the credit card on which the transaction was made or via a cash refund at the user's home (or a collection point of the user's choice) by the shipping company, within 48 hours of receiving the item that the user requested to return to the company and after the item has been received and checked at the company's store, minus a cancellation fee of 5% or NIS 100
of the purchase amount (whichever is lower).
9.2 "A person with a disability, as defined in the Law on Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities, 1998, may cancel a transaction he made within 4 months from the date of receipt of the goods, subject to a conversation between the company and him (including a conversation through electronic communication).
The company will be entitled to request the presentation of a copy of an appropriate certificate indicating that the consumer is a person with a disability. The above will also apply to "veteran citizen" and/or "new immigrant", as defined in the law.
9.3 The customer service in the company is the body entrusted to handle user inquiries regarding the execution of orders and/or transactions and/or their cancellation and/or any other issue - by email hi@peteat.co.il ​​or by phone 054-2232992 or WhatsApp 054-2232992, and this on weekdays only, between the hours of 10:00-16:00.
  1. Cancellation of the purchase transaction by the company
The company reserves the right to stop at any time, at its sole discretion, activity on the website and/or cancel a purchase transaction made by a user, including, but not limited to, in any of the cases detailed below:
After the purchase transaction was completed, it became clear that the item was out of stock. The credit card details and the user's full details were not captured in the system.
In any case where an action was taken contrary to these regulations. The user acted illegally and/or contrary to the provisions of the law; The user provided incorrect details when making the purchase transaction and/or afterwards; The user has committed an act or omission that harms the company and/or someone on its behalf and/or
the proper operation of the website and/or any other third party.
The company believes that the user intends to sell the items, purchased by him through the website, to some third party. In this context, the user confirms and undertakes that he will not sell items he purchased on the site to any third party.
The user did not come to the store to pick up the items ordered by him within 14 business days regarding orders paid by credit card or within 5 business days regarding orders chosen to be paid by cash at the company store.
In the event that the company is unable to properly manage the site, provide the user with the products and/or fulfill another of its obligations, due to "force majeure" as defined above and including computer failures, telephone system failures or system failures Communication
Other, any sabotage and security incident.
In the aforementioned circumstances, the company may cancel the transaction or offer the user a replacement item of equivalent value, at its discretion and in accordance with the circumstances of the cancellation. If a sale is canceled as stated, the company will not be responsible and will not bear, in any case, any direct, indirect, consequential or special damage caused to the user or a third party
including but not limited to damage due to the purchase of the product and/or service from a third party third at a higher price.11.Liability, security and privacy
The company and/or anyone on its behalf take acceptable precautions in order to maintain, as much as possible, the confidentiality of the information. The user's personal information (name, e-mail, etc.) will be stored in the company's database.
The company uses the information provided to it on the company's website by the user solely for the purpose of carrying out that transaction or task, and the tasks derived from it. The information is not transferred to any other party, except as necessary to carry out the transaction or complete the assignment (such as to the credit companies). The company will use the email address provided by the user and/or the other details provided by him, for the purpose of sending a return email and/or responding to the user's inquiry and not for any other purpose and/or to any party another C.
The company does not make any use whatsoever of the details of the payment method entered by the user on the company's website, except for making the payment, and does not transfer them to any third party, except for the purpose of carrying out the transaction requested by the user.
The credit card details of the users who perform actions on the site are not saved in the company's systems, since credit card processing is done through an external party. In light of the fact that we are dealing with operations in an online environment, the company cannot guarantee absolute immunity against intrusion into the computer system it has and/or exposure of the stored information by perpetrators of illegal operations and therefore, if any third party manages to penetrate the information kept by the company and/or misuse it, the user will not have any claim, claim and/or demand against the company. Also, in cases arising from force majeure, the company will not be responsible for any damage and/or injury of any kind, indirect and/or direct, that may be caused to the user and/or someone on his behalf, if any information, provided by the user on the website
​​the company, will be lost and/or will reach a hostile party and/or will use it without authorization.
When using the website, information will be collected about the pages, products and/or items and/or ads and/or content presented to the user and/or in which he showed interest, the time the user was on the website and the actions performed by him on the company's website, so that the company may keep the information and use it for its needs, subject to the limitations of these terms of use and the provisions of any law, including for the purpose of generating and analyzing statistical information. The company may provide such statistical data to third parties, as long as the data does not relate to the user
personally and/or enable his personal identification.

11.6 Marketing mail will be sent subject to obtaining the express written consent of the user, in accordance with the requirements of the law.

12. Customer Service

For details and inquiries regarding orders, items and/or their delivery, you can contact the company's customer service department at the email address hi@peteat.co.il or by phone at 054-2232992 or on WhatsApp 0542232992, and this on weekdays only, between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00.

13.Law and judgment

The law applicable to these regulations and/or to any action and/or conflict arising from it, is Israeli law only. Jurisdiction in all matters related to these regulations, either directly or indirectly and/or arising from it and/or from the use of the website, shall be with the competent courts in Tel Aviv, according to their jurisdiction

The subject matter - and only to these and not to other courts.


The site addresses both women and men. The use of the masculine language is done for convenience only. The sale to private customers only. The information on the website is general information and is not binding information. The binding rights are determined by law, regulations and court rulings. The use of the information on the website is not a substitute for receiving legal, professional or other advice or treatment and reliance on the said information is the sole responsibility of the user.

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