Super Premium Crystallizing Cat Litter! Subscription to 12 cat litter bags When purchasing a subscription, receive 2 sandbags as a gift from us.
12 sandbags with advance purchase.
You will receive the first pair of sandbags now, we will send you the next pair when you want to exchange. Each time you will receive two bags, simple and easy
Give a sign on WhatsApp a week before you want to change the sand so that we can send you in time, even a cat emoji and we will take care of the rest
The sale is valid on the 10-liter bags to choose from four fragrances. Advantages of RIGOR cat litterCrystalizing 10 liters: Quality cat litter made from natural bentonite Helps keep the tray fresh and clean, simplifying the daily care of your pet as much as possible. The volume of the bag is 10 liters. The size of the grains is 0.6-2.48 mm. Instructions: .Pour the filler into a dry and clean tray, a layer of at least 7 cm
Remove clumps and solid waste from the litter box for cats daily
Try to maintain the recommended level of filling in the tray and fill if necessary
It should be discarded but And only with the household garbage - the filler cannot be flushed down the toilet